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Kamis, 09 Maret 2017

The 5 Most Beautiful Natural Scenery in Indonesia

As a nation which is situated in the most deliberately place on the planet, Indonesia is enriched with such a large number of delightful natures from the end of west to the end of east. Those dazzling Landscape are given by our mom arrive as though it will never run out. Beginning from a line of mountains, valleys, oceans, lakes, timberlands and some more, which are holding up to be investigated.
Among the horde of those delightful nature, the writer will attempt to outline the loveliest scene which is claimed by Indonesia in this article. Here are 5 places that have the most lovely common landscape and should be gone by for making the most of its remarkable perspective.
  1. Toba Lake, Sumatra Barat
  2. Rinjani Mountain
  3. Raja Ampat Islands
  4. Sianok canyon and valley Harau, West Sumatra
  5. Baluran National Park, East Java

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